Logo: NBS Logo Established 1937

NBS Hall Of Fame (40 years service) & Honorary Life Members (30 years service)

Vince Scott who joined the NBS in 1953 receives his award from Jim Smith President 2019 and is a little emotional. He is a credit to the NBS 


At the 2018 Northern BS AGM Roy Cooke received his 40 year Long and continued service award which was presented by NBS President Ady Lovack


Charlie & Margaret Bowman. Mr & Mrs Budgerigar. These two people have received the 40 years Long service award from the Northern Budgerigar society for continued service to local clubs and the Northern Budgerigar society. Charlie & Margaret have done more for the North East than anyone I know, keeping local clubs full of enthusiasm at meetings and budgie shows. Both of them have shown the attitude of just do it, do your best and are happy in doing it. I would say they have both spoke at most meetings nearly every year for as long as I can remember. These two are the most well respected people in budgies in the North East and have achieved nearly everything, including Best Young Bird in Show at the BS world show and being the BS President.

Our third person to receive this prestigious award for 40 years Long service award to local clubs and the Northern budgerigar society is Raymond Rogerson who joined the NBS in 1965. Raymond has recently been the 2014 NBS President and has assisted helping with every event the NBS has held over recent years. Raymond is the first to offer birds for the NBS auction or raffle prizes for our annual Open days. I know Raymond’s local club Newcastle & Gateshead has held Gold patronage for many years he has assisted as their Show manager to help produce a successful Gold budgerigar Society show.

At the 2017 NBS AGM Charlie Bowman, Margaret Bowman and Raymond Rogerson received the NBS 40 years Long Service Award for their continued service to the Northern Budgerigar Society.

Image: Charlie & Margaret Bowman


Brian Batey, 40 years service and still active for local clubs and the NBS 2016


Dennis Cairns, 40 years service and still active at local clubs and the NBS. 2016


I intend to start a Hall Of Fame of NBS members who have gone

that little extra mile for the benefit of the members of the

NBS and put in so much hard work and effort over many years.

When some of the older members have gone, I want new members

to read about them and admire their dedication for the good

of the Northern Budgerigar Society

I will ask one or two if they are willing to have their

credentials put into print on this page.


Honorary Life Members

V Scott








T.A Millions

W Nattrass


K. Batey



J.W Gibson


W.A Kyle

R & A Graham


K Tart

B.M Illingworth

Adrian Richards

Ken Richards

J.R Herron

J Mason


A. Hunt

Brian Minto
Ian Clarke
Bruce Ross
Peter Watts



P. Reaney





Ian Clarke and Bruce Ross, 30 years service HLM of the NBS


Peter Watts receiving Honorary Life membership from Kevin Batey Secretary

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