Logo: NBS Logo Established 1937

Council Meetings 2023



Present.         D.Cairns,  P.Redford, K.Batey, D.Harrison,  K.Allison, K,Featherstone, G.Pringle


.Apologies.   J.Lund, I.Cooper, B.Batey, G,Clark, I.Cooper, D.Rowell. G.Carr.

Previous minutes.

These had been circulated and were accepted as a true record. 

 Matters arising from minutes.

There were no matters arising not covered by the agenda.


The Secretary had received correspondence from Bowburn Community Centre re proposed room price increases.

Finance /Secretaries Report.

Flex Account.           7911.43.

Cash in hand.             371.15. 

          Total.           £ 8282.58.

New Members;

No new members.

K.Allison raised the issue of which members qualified for the incentive offered by the N.B.S. for attending meetings, and, will this continue in 2023.

K.Batey said we will need to wait until January 2023 before any list can be completed.

Initial views were that the incentive had not attracted many, if any, additional members attending.

One suggestion put forward was that the free subscription should be based on exhibiting at shows, rather than attending meetings.

A.G.M 2023. 

A discussion took place as to how the H.L.M. Certificates would be given out.

The Secretary was to write out and ask if any of the recipients would be attending the A.G.M.

Speakers 2023.

Discussions were ongoing for speakers in 2023.

R.Clements would be the speaker at the February meeting.

Social Secretary Report.

In the absence of a Social Secretary, this item is now covered in the general meeting report. 


Show Secretary Report.

Specialist and Rare Show 2023.

After discussion it was agreed that the Sp and Rare show date would be wk no. 37. (Sunday)

(This was the original date for the Open Show)

Suggested names for judges were N.Beevers and D.Critchlow.

No applications were to be made for Sp and Rare Society patronages.

Rosettes with each colour printed on the tails would be on offer.

Open Show 2023. 

After discussion it was agreed to move the date for the Open Show to the 2nd July 2023.

No applications were to be made for Sp and Rare Society patronages.

The normal rosettes for the N.B.S. would be on offer.

Judges would be;  G.Findlay, R.Staig, D.Cairns, plus one further name.


Due to local Societies possibly changing Patronage Secretaries, we needed to contact them and advise on the N.B.S. Patronage available, and how to apply for it.

They would have to apply as per the N.B.S. Patronage rules.

Honorary Life Members 2023. (members with 30 years of membership or proposed otherwise)

Qualifying members were; J.Lund proposed, R.Tuplin, R.Thwaites, J.Prothero.

Golden Bird Award.

Members were asked for nominations from Council which would be discussed at the January meeting.

President Elect. (2023)

G.Carr, had nominated H.Wind.

H.Wind had since indicated he did not wish to stand.

Open Day.

To progress.

A date for Sunday 14 May 2023 was proposed.

It had still to be decided on the venue. Darlington meeting room venue or Ravensworth Hotel, Gateshead.

The Darlington meeting room venue would cost approx. £120.

After discussion it was agreed to cater for 40 members.

Start time 10.30 for 11.00.

11.00 until 13.00.


14.00 until 16.00. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Publicity  Report. 

No further update.


K.Kime was to be contacted for an update.

G.Clark had offered to help K.Kime with the site updates.


Members were asked to contact the local Societies for updated information for inclusion in the yearbook/newsletter.

If this could be obtained for the February Council meeting, it may be possible to have the yearbook/ newsletter

Printed for April/May.


G.Pringle – asking that local society information be posted on facebook.

P.Redford showed a copy of the format for submitting reports to Cage and Aviary.

We were to contact Bruce Ross to see if he was happy for us to submit these reports.





Present.         D.Cairns,  P.Redford, B.Batey, K.Batey, D.Harrison,  K.Allison, D.Rowell, J.Rogers, 


Apologies.   G,Clark, I.Cooper, 

Previous minutes.

These had been circulated and were accepted as a true record. 

 Matters arising from minutes.

There were no matters arising not covered by the agenda.


  1. B.S. – Notification re receipt of payments for joint membership every two months.

  2. S.McFadden - Edinburgh B.S. – requesting N.B.S. panel for their meeting 1st August 2023.   AGREED.

Finance /Secretaries Report.

Flex Account.           7844.43.

Cash in hand.             178.16. 

          Total.           £  8022.59.

New Members;

No new members.

Speakers 2023.

Discussions were ongoing for speakers in 2023.

Confirmed to date;

March – R.Ford.     April – Y/S N/F Show.   May – Open Day.   June – C.Leask.  July – Open Show.

August – T.B.A.  September – D.Harding.  October – Auction.  November – T.B.A.  December – T.B.A.

Further names suggested were;  A.Marchant, D.Woan, R.Nawaracus, T.Luke, R.Campbell.

Under this item, P.Redford advised Council of the pro-forma report for submitting meetings/events reports to

Cage and Aviary magazine.

B.Ross had been contacted and had no problem if someone else sent the reports to C & A.

Social Secretary Report.

In the absence of a Social Secretary, this item is now covered in the general meeting report. 


Show Secretary Report.

Specialist and Rare Show 2023.

After discussion it was agreed that the Sp and Rare show date would be wk no. 37. (Sunday)

(This was the original date for the Open Show)

 Judges are N.Beevers and J.Newall.

No applications were to be made for Sp and Rare Society patronages.

Rosettes with each colour printed on the tails would be on offer.

Open Show 2023. 

After discussion it was agreed to move the date for the Open Show to the 2nd July 2023.

No applications were to be made for Sp and Rare Society patronages.

The normal rosettes for the N.B.S. would be on offer.

Judges would be;  G.Findlay, R.Staig, D.Cairns, J.Rogers.

Judging to start 10.00am.

Discussions took place on the schedule details.

Staging to be put up on morning of show.


Due to local Societies possibly changing Patronage Secretaries, we needed to contact them and advise on the N.B.S. Patronage available, and how to apply for it.

They would have to apply as per the N.B.S. Patronage rules. 

No local Society patronages were to be applied for at the N.B.S. shows.

Open Day.

To progress.

A date for Sunday 14 May 2023 was proposed.

P.Redford gave an update of venue costs for the Ravensworth Arms and the Angel Hotel, Eighton Banks.

After discussion it was agreed to make a provisional booking at the Angel Hotel.

A buffet would be provided, cost £7.95.

Tickets were to priced at £5.

After discussion it was agreed to cater for 40 members.

Start time 10.30 for 11.00 – 13.00.  Lunch 13.00 – 14.00.  14.00 – 16.00 finish.

Darlington B.S. venue was not available for our date.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Publicity  Report. 

No further update.


K.Kime was to be contacted for an update.

G.Clark had offered to help K.Kime with the site updates.


P.Redford gave an update.

Members were asked to contact the local Societies for updated information for inclusion in the yearbook/newsletter.

Anew members list was required.

It was suggested that a members welcome letter be included. 

Hopefully it could be printed for April/May.


B.Batey – advising that we only had 3 show cages left for raffle prizes.

After discussion it was agreed to order a further supply.

B.Batey – asking who to invite to judge N/F and Y/S show.  P.Watts to be invited. (A.Lovack as reserve)

K.Batey – raised the issue of a membership incentive.  After discussion this was not to be taken up.

                 11 members qualified for the 2022 incentive offer.

NEXT MEETING MONDAY 20th March 2023.





Present.         D.Cairns,  P.Redford, B.Batey, K.Batey, D.Harrison,  K.Allison,  J.Rogers, G.Clark.


Apologies.    I.Cooper, K.Kime, G.Carr.

Previous minutes.

Minutes from the February Council meeting had been circulated and were accepted as a true record. 

 Matters arising from minutes.

There were no matters arising not covered by the agenda.


There was no correspondence.

Finance /Secretaries Report.

Flex Account.           7844.43.

Cash in hand.             119.45. 

          Total.           £  7963.88.

New Members;

N.Taylor.  Sunderland.

T.J.Taylor.  Sunderland.

Speakers 2023.

Confirmed to date;

March – R.Ford.     April – Y/S N/F Show.   May – Open Day.   June – C.Leask.  July – Open Show.

August – R.Melling & J.Rogers..  September – D.Harding.  October – Auction.  November – D.Woan.  December – R.Ford.

Social Secretary Report.

In the absence of a Social Secretary, this item is now covered in the general meeting report. 


Show Secretary Report. 

We were awaiting confirmation of the changes made to the show/s classification by the B.S. for 2023.


Open Show 2023. 

After discussion it had been agreed to move the date for the Open Show to the 2nd July 2023

The normal rosettes for the N.B.S. would be on offer.

Judges would be;  G.Findlay, R.Staig, D.Cairns, J.Rogers.

Judging to start 10.00am.

Staging to be put up on the morning of the show.

Specialist and Rare Show 2023.

After discussion it was agreed that the Sp and Rare show date would be wk no. 37. (Sunday)

(This was the original date for the Open Show)

 Judges are N.Beevers and J.Newall.

No applications were to be made for Sp and Rare Society patronages.

Rosettes with each colour printed on the tails 

Staging to be put up on morning of show.


D.Harrison gave an update on patronages.

Open Day.

The date was Sunday 14 May 2023.

The Angel Hotel, Gateshead, had been booked.

A buffet would be provided, cost £7.95.

Tickets were now available, priced at £5.

After discussion it was agreed to cater for 40 members.

Start time 10.30 for 11.00 – 13.00.  Lunch 13.00 – 14.00.  14.00 – 16.00 finish.

It was suggested that a minimum number to justify for the event to go ahead would be 20.

The Y.B.S. and S.B.S. Area Societies were to be contacted giving details of the event.

There would be a ticket number prize draw.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Publicity  Report. 

No further update.


K.Kime was not providing any updates on facebook.

G.Clark was to be asked to take over updating and monitoring the site. 


P.Redford handed around a draft of the handbook/newsletter for any changes to be noted.

150 copies would be printed.

The secretary was to purchase a quantity of stamps for postage prior to the price of stamps increasing.


B.Batey – advising that new show cages had been ordered for raffle prizes. Costs £50 per cage.

D.Cairns – advising caution over the high ratio/percentage of H.L.M. members against a falling membership total.

K.Allison – stated that he was concerned about the lack of participation from members attending the monthly meetings.

It was suggested to help with the flow of the meetings, questions could be handed out. to those attending, to put to the


This would give them an opportunity to gain confidence in asking questions.

NEXT MEETING MONDAY 17th April 2023.




Present.         D.Cairns,  P.Redford, B.Batey, K.Batey, D.Harrison,  K.Allison,  G.Clark.


Apologies.    I.Cooper.

Previous minutes.

Minutes from the March Council meeting had been circulated and were accepted as a true record. 

 Matters arising from minutes.

There were no matters arising not covered by the agenda.


There was no correspondence.

Finance /Secretaries Report.

Flex Account.           7569.43.

Cash in hand.             206.50. 

          Total.           £  7775.93

New Members;

S.Kelly. – Lanchester.

R.Dove. – Peterlee.

Accepted as new members.

Speakers 2023.

Confirmed to date;

March – R.Ford.     April – Y/S N/F Show.   May – Open Day.   June – C.Leask.  July – Open Show.

August – R.Melling & J.Rogers..  September – D.Harding.  October – Auction.  November – D.Woan.  December – R.Ford.

Social Secretary Report.

In the absence of a Social Secretary, this item is now covered in the general meeting report. 


Show Secretary Report. 

We were awaiting confirmation of the changes made to the show/s classification by the B.S. for 2023.


Open Show 2023. The date for the Open Show - 2nd July 2023

The normal rosettes for the N.B.S. would be on offer.

Judges would be;  G.Findlay, R.Staig, D.Cairns, J.Rogers.

Judging to start 10.00am.

Staging to be put up on the morning of the show.

Specialist and Rare Show 2023.

After discussion it was agreed that the Sp and Rare show date would be wk no. 37. (Sunday)

(This was the original date for the Open Show)

 Judges are N.Beevers and J.Newall.

No applications were to be made for Sp and Rare Society patronages.

Rosettes with each colour printed on the tails 

Staging to be put up on morning of show.


D.Harrison gave an update on patronages.

Open Day.

The date was Sunday 14 May 2023.

The Angel Hotel, Gateshead, had been booked.

A buffet would be provided, cost £7.95.

Tickets were now available, priced at £5.

After discussion it was estimated that mid 30s in numbers could be achieved.

Start time 10.30 for 11.00 – 13.00.  Lunch 13.00 – 14.00.  14.00 – 16.00 finish.

It was suggested that a minimum number to justify for the event to go ahead would be 20.

There would be a ticket number prize draw.

The event had been advertised in Cage and Aviary magazine, the S.B.S. and Y.B.S. notified.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Publicity  Report. 

No further update.


It was reported that K.Kime had closed the existing site.

The new site would be called “Northern Budgerigar Society UK NBS”.

G.Clark was to be asked to take over updating and monitoring the site. 

The secretary reported that the website had been renewed for a further 2 years.


P.Redford -  handbook/newsletter now available.

150 copies had been printed.

The secretary had purchased a quantity of stamps for postage and a record of their use would be kept.


B.Batey – was to contact P.Reaney re supply of new cages. Costs £50 per cage.

B.Batey – would contact P.Reaney and G.Tuplin re Open Day event.

D.Cairns – advising caution over the high ratio/percentage of H.L.M. members against a falling membership total.

D.Cairns – confirmed that the awards for the speakers at the Open Day had been purchased.





Present.         D.Cairns,  P.Redford, B.Batey, K.Batey, D.Harrison,  K.Allison,  J.Rogers, 


Apologies.    I.Cooper, G.Clark.

Previous minutes.

Minutes from the April Council meeting had been circulated and were accepted as a true record. 

 Matters arising from minutes.

There were no matters arising not covered by the agenda.


Received from ;

J.Lund – Thanking everyone involved in organising the recent Open Day.

D.Bruton – Again thanking everyone for a successful Open Day.

K.Batey – confirming receipt of 2024 ring order forms from the B.S.

M.Jarrard and G.French – reference their names not being included in Year Book.

B.Batey – re registration with DEFRA.

Finance /Secretaries Report.

Flex Account.           6814.68

Cash in hand.             232.05 

          Total.           £  7046.73.

This was accepted.

New Members;

There were no new members.

Speakers 2023.

Confirmed to date;

March – R.Ford.     April – Y/S N/F Show.   May – Open Day.   June – C.Leask.  July – Open Show.

August – R.Melling & J.Rogers..  September – D.Harding.  October – Auction.  November – D.Woan.  December – R.Ford.

Discussion on speakers for 2024 would take place at the next meeting in August.

Social Secretary Report.

In the absence of a Social Secretary, this item is now covered in the general meeting report. 


Open Show 2023. 

After discussion it had been agreed to move the date for the Open Show to the 2nd July 2023

The normal rosettes for the N.B.S. would be on offer.

Judges would be;  G.Findlay, R.Staig, D.Cairns, J.Rogers.

Judging to start 10.00am.

Staging to be put up on the morning of the show, 7.00am.

Garden Feathers to be contacted for support.

G.Clark had offered to assist with the meals.

Suggested pies and peas/salads. Bacon sandwiches on morning.

Specialist and Rare Show 2023.

After discussion it was agreed that the Sp and Rare show date would be wk no. 37. (Sunday)

(This was the original date for the Open Show)

 Judges are N.Beevers and J.Newall.

No applications were to be made for Sp and Rare Society patronages.

Rosettes with each colour printed on the tails 

Staging to be put up on morning of show. 7.00am.


D.Harrison gave an update on patronages.

Open Day.

This had proved to be very successful, with positive feedback.

Discussion took place about holding an event in 2024.

Suggested date – 12 May, 2024.

J.Rogers is to ask if A.Marchant would be willing to attend.

P.Redford to make enquiries as to availability of venue.

The 2023 event had recorded a loss of  £218.  

                                                                                                                                                                                                               Publicity  Report. 

No further update.


K.Kime was not providing any updates on facebook.

G.Clark was to be asked to take over updating and monitoring the site. 


P.Redford handed around a draft of the handbook/newsletter for any changes to be noted.

150 copies would be printed.

The secretary was to purchase a quantity of stamps for postage prior to the price of stamps increasing.


B.Batey – re request from Sunderland B.S. for a copy of the N.B.S. membership list.

P.Redford – reference an e-mail from Cage and Aviary Birds asking for an updated profile on the N.B.S.

B.Batey – re a request from Sunderland B.S. for a list of speakers in the N.B.S.





Present.         D.Cairns,  P.Redford, B.Batey, K.Batey, D.Harrison,  K.Allison.


Apologies.    I.Cooper, G.Clark. J.Rogers, 

Previous minutes.

Minutes from the April Council meeting had been circulated and were accepted as a true record. 

 Matters arising from minutes.

There were no matters arising not covered by the agenda.


B.S. – re advert in Show Schedule.

Also ref whether the N.B.S. would be having a stand at the show.

Complaint received from D.Moffitt re his not receiving a year book.

Finance /Secretaries Report.

Flex Account.           6447.18

Cash in hand.             213.29 

          Total.           £  6660.47.

This was accepted.

New Members;

R.Nesbitt, Sunderland.

Speakers 2023.

Confirmed to date;

March – R.Ford.     April – Y/S N/F Show.   May – Open Day.   June – C.Leask.  July – Open Show.

August – R.Melling & J.Rogers..  September – D.Harding.  October – Auction.  November – D.Woan.  December – R.Ford.

Discussion on speakers for 2024 were discussed.

Members and Societies were to be asked for recommended speakers to attend.

The August meeting was very poorly attended and this needed to be re-considered.

The October meeting would be the auction of budgerigar related items/birds.

This needed to be advertised in C and A, and facebook/website to advise the members.

It was suggested that A.Richards be invited to be the auctioneer.

Social Secretary Report.

In the absence of a Social Secretary, this item is now covered in the general meeting report. 


Open Show 2024. 

To be discussed at future meeting.

Specialist and Rare Show 2023.

An update was given re – arrangements for the show.

The date would be wk no. 37. (Sunday)

 Judges are N.Beevers and J.Newall.

No applications were to be made for Sp and Rare Society patronages.

Rosettes with each colour printed on the tails 

Staging to be put up on morning of show. 7.00am.

Monetory prizes would be allocated to pairs and teams.

A nomination for bio-security was also needed.

Catering – pies and peas would be provided, other provisions needed were to be assessed.

Discussions took place on the feasibility of including the show specification/details in the year book.

South Teesside Classic have requested to include their show schedule in the year book.

This could ultimately be developed into an “Area Schedule”.


D.Harrison gave an update on patronages.

Open Day. 2024.

Date for 2024 Open Day.  12th May 2024.

 A.Marchant has accepted the invitation to attend.

A deposit has been paid for the hotel booking.

It is to be discussed whether a second speaker will be required. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                               Publicity  Report. 

No further update.


Discussions took place on the facebook site.

There was concern that the rules needed to be updated and that Council members should be sent a copy of the current rules and to send any suggested changes to the Secretary.

Help was to be sought on how to manage the site properly.


These were being given to the members.

150 copies would be printed.

The secretary was to purchase a quantity of stamps for postage prior to the price of stamps increasing.







Present.         D.Cairns,  P.Redford, B.Batey, K.Batey, D.Harrison,  K.Allison, G.Clark, J.Rogers.


Apologies.    I.Cooper. J.Lund, D.Rowell.

Previous minutes.

Minutes from the August Council meeting had been circulated and were accepted as a true record. 

 Matters arising from minutes.

There were no matters arising not covered by the agenda.


Discussion with the B.S. re subs refunds for those members eligible for the dual membership.

The Affiliation fee from the N.B.S. to B.S. has still to be confirmed.

Finance /Secretaries Report.

Flex Account.           6831.01

Cash in hand.             125.50 

          Total.           £  6956.51.

This was accepted.

New Members;

J.Blakey.  Catchgate.


Speakers 2023.

Confirmed to date;                                                                                                                                                                                 November – D.Woan.  December – R.Ford.

Speakers  for 2024 and meetings.

Discussions took place for meeting dates and speakers for 2024.

After discussion the following was agreed;

  1.   No meetings for July and August.

  2.   Suggested names for speakers included;

  M.Jarrold, White Rose Partnership, R.Melling, J.Bird, G.Bowley, R.Hughes.

       3.       October – Auction.

                  A full list of speakers was to be compiled.

  1.   Social meeting for December.

Social Secretary Report.

In the absence of a Social Secretary, this item is now covered in the general meeting report.  

Specialist and Rare Show 2023.

It was reported that the 2023 show had received an increased entry.

Sp and Rare Show 2024.

The Show Hall was to be booked for the 30th June, 2024.

Suggestions for judges included,

Ghalib and Janice Al Nasser. 

Open Show 2024. 

To be discussed at future meeting but a booking would be made for the 15th September 2024.

Suggested names for judges included,

T and L.Dukes, Bowker, A and J.Adams, Bev Hutt and Laura, I.Ainley, J.Newall.


D.Harrison gave an update on patronages.

Open Day. 2024.

Date for 2024 Open Day.  12th May 2024.

 A.Marchant has accepted the invitation to attend.

A deposit has been paid for the hotel booking.

It is to be discussed whether a second speaker will be required. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                               Publicity  Report. 

No further update.

However, it was reported the Ron Fairhurst had passed away, and that the Society should send an obituary to the B.S. for publication.


Discussions took place on the facebook site.

There was concern that the rules needed to be updated and that Council members should be sent a copy of the current rules and to send any suggested changes to the Secretary.

Help was to be sought on how to manage the site properly.


B.Batey advised that it would be better if the show schedules were separate from the Year Book.

In an attempt to save on the number of books printed, and associated costs, the membership list should be perused for members no longer with us or who do not now keep/show birds.

Any local Society information must be sent to the N.B.S. Secretary as soon as possible after January 1st, 2024.

(or immediately after the local society A.G.M.)

It was also discussed as to whether local society information could be sent out using a “shared envelope scheme”.


1.   The Secretary reported a good uptake of N.B.S. subs at the Club Show.

2.   The Secretary reported that the money received from the Auction was £49.

3.   B.Batey reported, that printing costs for his Show Secretarial duties would be approximated across the number of shows he did.

Including stamps, the costs were £161.

He also spent £50 on catering items.

B.Batey advised – the November meeting was the last one before the January 2024 Nominations meeting.

It would be necessary to consider the positions for Officials and Council.

K.Batey – from Gateshead B.S. asking for an N.B.S. Panel on their November 8th meeting.





Present.         D.Cairns,  P.Redford, B.Batey, K.Batey, D.Harrison,  K.Allison,  J.Rogers, D.Rowell, G.Clark.


Apologies.    I.Cooper.

Before the meeting started B.Batey advised Council of the death of L.Nicholson, a long standing member, and H.L.M, of the N.B.S.

Previous minutes.

Minutes from the October 2023 Council meeting had been circulated and were accepted as a true record. 

 Matters arising from minutes.

There were no matters arising not covered by the agenda.


Received from ;

K.Batey advised that he had received an e-mail from the B.S. re Affiliation/dual subscriptions.

Monies had now been paid to the N.B.S, with our Affiliation fee being deducted.

There was £45 included as part of the dual subscription scheme.

Finance /Secretaries Report.

Flex Account.           6933.25

Cash in hand.              30.00

          Total.           £  6963.25.

This was accepted.

New Members;

There were no new members.

Speakers 2023.

Confirmed to date;

December – R.Ford.

The secretary advised that R.Ford was donating two A.Marchant rung birds, to be raffled at the December meeting.

Raffle ticket price £1 each. No show cage as part of the raffle.

It was suggested that we give the fancier a seed voucher for his kind gesture.

Speakers 2024.

Discussions were still ongoing.


Jan.-  Nominations, Feb - . A.G.M. April. -  Y/S show. May. -  Open Day. July/August. – No meetings. Oct. – Auction. Nov. – G.Bowley.

Social Secretary Report.

In the absence of a Social Secretary, this item is now covered in the general meeting report. 


Open Show 2024. 

Date of show – June 30th 2024.

Judges invited were – J.Newall, R.Bowker, L. and T. Jukes. (t.b.c)

No specialist or local society patronages to be applied for.

Specialist and Rare Show 2024.

After discussion it was agreed that the Sp and Rare show date would be 15th September 2024.

 Judges accepted are G. and J. Al Nasser.

No applications were to be made for Sp and Rare Society patronages.

Rosettes with each colour printed on the tails.


D.Harrison gave an update on patronages.

Open Day.

Confirmed date – 12 May, 2024.

A.Marchant would be the speaker.   

                                                                                                                                                                                                               Publicity  Report. 

No further update.


The rules for facebook site were under review.

 A request was made for all members to support the site.

Any member with suggested changes should contact G.Clark a.s.a.p.


B.Batey was to contact B.Ross for meeting/update.

G.Clark has offered to assist.


This was awaiting any updates from members or local societies for inclusion in the yearbook.


B.Batey – advising that there were only two show cages for raffle prizes left, plus one renovated cage.

After discussion it was agreed that we consider giving a £30 seed voucher instead.

P.Redford was to pursue this.

B.Batey – reminded Council that nominations should be considered for the January 2024 meeting.

INCL. President Elect, Golden Bird, H.L.M.

B.Batey advised Council that he could not commit to being show secretary at any shows in 2024, at present,  as he had family issues that needed to be resolved.



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